NOUN Course and Examination Registration for 2021 First Semester EXTENDED. See New Dates and Time

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We write to notify you that the Vice-Chancellor of the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) on behalf of Senate has approved the extension of course and examination registration for the 2021/1 semester.

To this end, the new date for the closure of NOUN Course and Examination is Friday, 7th of May, 2021 11:59PM. 

Also note that, the new dates for Orientation and Matriculation ceremonies are Friday, 14th of May 2021 and Saturday, 15th of May 2021 respectively in noun study centres across the nation.

RECOMMENDED: Download the first-draft 2021 POP Examination Timetable

In view of the above, you are kindly requested to ensure that the students portal for 2021 courses and examination registrations remain open for this period.

Your prompt action will be highly appreciated.

Thank you.


Oladipo A. Ajayi
Deputy Registrar, Academic Registry
For: Registrar

Preview the Course and Examination Registration Extension Notice

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Editor's Note

This NOUN Website is about the National Open University of Nigeria Students Portal tutorials and News update for New Students and Second Semester Students.

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